This series consists of records of land grants by letters patent for military service. Grants were made to individuals holding land bounty rights originally issued to commissioned officers and private soldiers who served in New York Continental regiments during the Revolutionary War. Series also includes records of land grants to demobilize British officers and private soldiers who had served in America during the Seven Years' War.
This series includes a manuscript index to Volumes GG and HH of Dutch colonial land patents, and Volume II of Dutch colonial deeds. The index to Volumes GG and HH is arranged by volume and then by first letter of surname of grantee. It lists page number, grantee name, location of patent, and year. The index to Volume II is chronological and lists date, names of grantor and grantee, location of land, and page number. Series also includes manuscript translations of Volumes GG, HH, and II.
New York (State). Secretary of State
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