These are small amounts of unrelated archival materials from several sources. They were gathered and retained by the State Library but remained unprocessed prior to transfer to the State Archives as state government records.
New York State Library
Access Restrictions
A0635-00:Restricted due to severe burn damage.Use with supervision of archivist.
This series consists of working, proof, and published copies of geologic maps and drawings prepared by the Geological Survey staff in the State Museum to accompany scientific articles or monographs. Most maps depict surface geological features in color on standard printed topographic base maps and range from single U.S. Geological Survey quadrangles to the entire state. They usually include title, date, bulletin number, plate number, and preparer.
New York (State). Division of Science and State Museum
Access Restrictions
There are no restrictions regarding access to or use of this material.
Topographical and geological highway and canal planning maps of New York
Series Number
This series contains topographical highway planning maps used for the preliminary location and planning of railroad lines and highway improvement; geological highway planning maps of the area north and west of Poughkeepsie used by the Highway Commission to test and analyze road surface materials; and topographical canal planning maps showing Cayuga, Seneca, Erie, and Champlain Canal routes used for planning canal enlargement.
New York (State). State Highway Commission
Access Restrictions
There are no restrictions regarding access to or use of this material.