Engineers' estimates of costs for constructing public highways
Series Number
This series consists of forms recording cost estimates for road construction. Information includes road number; petition number; county; name of road; brief description of section of road to be improved; quantities of various materials needed; unit and total price of each material; total estimated cost; cost per mile and date.
New York (State). State Engineer and Surveyor
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There are no restrictions regarding access to or use of the material.
This series records expenditures for highway construction and provides: date; road number or name; to whom payment was made; petition number (sometimes); amount paid by county; amount paid by state; monthly total paid by county; and monthly total paid by state.
New York (State). State Engineer and Surveyor
Access Restrictions
There are no restrictions regarding access to or use of the material.
Record of contracts awarded for improvement of public highways
Series Number
This series tracks the award of contracts to private entities or county boards of supervisors for road construction. Information includes name, number, and (sometimes) section of road; brief description of work to be done; county; division (Eastern, Middle, Western); preliminary cost estimate; by whom plans approved (usually county supervisors) and date; date proposals received; to whom contract awarded; date of contract; amount of contract; monthly cost estimates; and final cost estimate.
New York (State). State Engineer and Surveyor
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There are no restrictions regarding access to or use of the material.
Highway construction and maintenance payment journal
Series Number
This series consists of a record of payments for highway construction, maintenance, engineering, and related expenses. Information includes county; estimate number; road number; petition number; amount paid from state fund, county fund, and federal aid; and amount to be charged on account for construction, engineering, advertising, or miscellaneous expenses. The requisition number; date and who was paid are sometimes included.
New York (State). Department of Highways
Access Restrictions
There are no restrictions regarding access to or use of the material.
This series contains expenditure reports and other related records generated by the Department of Public Works Division of Highways pertaining to the construction and maintenance of county and town highways. Also included are booklets created by the County Highway Superintendents Association.
New York (State). Division of Highways
Access Restrictions
There are no restrictions regarding access to or use of this material.