Affidavits of war service and property by Revolutionary War veterans
Series Number
This series consists of sworn affidavits by Revolutionary War veterans intending to apply for pensions. Each affidavit includes statements of the veteran's war service; a schedule of his real and personal property; applicant's age; residence; former military rank; and physical disability (if any). Such affidavits could be made in any court of record, but were most often made in the Court of Common Pleas, rather than the Supreme Court.
New York (State). Supreme Court of Judicature (Albany)
Access Restrictions
There are no restrictions regarding access to or use of this material.
Certificates submitted by disabled Revolutionary War veterans claiming pensions and audited accounts of pensions
Series Number
This series contains copies of documents submitted by veterans claiming pensions under various State laws. The State auditor (previously auditor general) received the originals of these documents, copied and audited them, and authorized the payment of pensions.
New York (State). Department of Social Services. Office of Communications
Access Restrictions
Orginal records are closed to research due to fragile physical condition (burned). Please consult digital or microfilm copy of records.
Entry documentation relating to pension claims, First N.Y. Regiment Volunteers, Mexican War
Series Number
This series contains letters, affidavits, and other supporting documentation submitted to the state comptroller by veterans of the Mexican War or their legal representatives in order to verify military service and apply for pension funds. The documents contain detailed military service information including the claimant's rank, his company, the battles in which he was engaged, and any wounds he received.
New York (State). Comptroller's Office
Access Restrictions
There are no restrictions regarding access to or use of this series.