Minutes of the Benefit Association of the Civil Service Employees of Industry, N.Y.
Series Number
This series contains the constitution, bylaws, and monthly meeting minutes of the Benefit Association of the Civil Service Employees of Industry, N.Y. Subjects include election of delegates to attend conventions; appeal to reduce the railroad fare; correspondence with legislators regarding protection from unjust removal, retirement benefits; salaries during sick leave, membership recruitment; association benefits for sick employees; election of officers; and routine matters such as monthly reports of officers and committees, and appointments of and orders to committees.
New York (State). State Agricultural and Industrial School
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This series, apparently an employee payroll register, bears no identification and was recorded in a volume previously used to record hospital admissions. Information includes date; employee name; amount paid and position (sometimes).
New York House of Refuge
Access Restrictions
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New York House of Refuge receipt book for employees' wages
Series Number
This volume, documents the payment of wages to institution employees. Information for each payment includes date, name of superintendent (payor), amount paid, length of service paid for (usually one month), occupation, and employee signature.
New York House of Refuge
Access Restrictions
There are no restrictions regarding access to or use of the material.