The exhibit material, possibly from of the New York exhibit at the Pan-American Exposition of 1901 includes illustrations of instructional techniques, student products, and educational programs. Also shown are student activities relating to music, physical education, and sewing from the Syracuse State Institution for Feeble-Minded Children (originally the New York State Asylum for Idiots). Other exhibit material includes reproductions of student progress reports and sample classwork like knitting, crochet, letters, and other writing exercises.
Syracuse State Institution for Feeble-Minded Children
Access Restrictions
Restricted due to fragility, pending treatment.Use with assistance of archivist.
These annual reports from academies, high schools, and academic departments of union free schools provide statistics on operations and programs and were collected to assist the Regents in supervising educational institutions in the State. The reports provide information on the school's finances; property; organization of departments; name, age, education, and teaching experience of teachers; name and age of all students, with names of textbooks read or subjects taken; curriculum and texts used; frequency of composition and declamation by students; total number of students; tuition and board rates; free instruction provided; and length of school terms and vacations.
University of the State of New York. Board of Regents
Access Restrictions
A2017-00: Restricted due to burn damage. Use with assistance of archivist.