This series consists of archival copies of the publicly accessible websites maintained by the New York State Compensation Committee. The committee was created in 2018 to evaluate and make commendations regarding levels of compensation for state officials. The website contains information about the committee's legal mandate and organizational structure; archived meeting minutes; and salary evaluations for legislators, agency executives, and other elected officials.
New York State Compensation Committee
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There are no restrictions regarding access to or use of this material.
This series consists of the research and correspondence files of New York University Senior Research Scientist Dr. Joseph P. Viteritti, who served as Executive Director of Temporary State Commission on Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Compensation. The commission was created in 1987 and charged with evaluating compensation levels of the state's high-ranking public officials and recommending adjustments to rectify disparities and account for inflation. Records include statistical comparison studies, reports from other states and the federal government, and transcripts and testimony from public hearings.
New York State Temporary Commission on Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Compensation
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There are no restrictions regarding access to or use of this material.
Research files, meeting minutes, and reports of the Commission of Legislative and Judicial Salaries
Series Number
The bulk of this series includes materials gathered from other states concerning salaries paid to legislative and judicial officials and employees. The files also contain minutes of commission meetings, public hearing testimony, and drafts of internal reports.
New York (State). Counsel to the Governor
Access Restrictions
There are no restrictions regarding access to or use of this material.