The series consists of monthly census summaries enumerating, by gender, the population of the Syracuse State School and its outlying colonies and cottages. Aggregate numbers, not names of individuals, are provided. Data document the expansion of the institution's colony system, as well as how regular admissions, discharges, elopements, and the policy of paroling residents affect total institutional population at a given time.
Syracuse State School
Access Restrictions
There are no restrictions regarding access to or use of this material.
This series contains registers which record the number of patients in the custody of the Rome State School and its predecessor, the Rome State Custodial Asylum. Information includes a daily count of males and females for each month and notes regarding patient admissions, discharges, deaths, physicians travelling, inspections, visits by board members, and other significant event information on the day each occurs.
New York (State). Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities
Access Restrictions
Restricted in accordance with Section 33.13, Mental Hygiene Law, relating to confidentiality of clinical records. Access permitted under certain conditions upon application to and approval by the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities.