This series consists of a detailed chronological record of financial transactions at Thomas Indian School. Entries record transaction (items purchased, quantity, unit cost, and cash receipts); name of the merchant or disburser of funds; total amount of transaction; and date. Also included is a certificate of appointment of George I. Lincoln as agent of the Onondaga Indians; a watercolor painting of flowers, signed by Aleck George; and lithograph, "What We Have We'll Hold!" depicting a nationalistic theme, copyright 1900.
Thomas Indian School
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This series constitutes a final record of financial transactions of the Thomas Indian School according to controlling and individual accounts. Controlling accounts include transactions involving clothing, fuel, freight and express, medicine, provisions, and wages. Individual accounts pertain to individual merchants and suppliers. Entries generally include date, amount, and nature of transaction (such as services, goods, labor, or cash).
Thomas Indian School
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