Thomas Asylum for Orphan and Destitute Indian Children statistical and financial reports
Series Number
This series consists of annual reports to the Board of Charities; quarterly reports to the State Comptroller; a report to the State Assembly; and a "Report to Government." The Board of Charities reports summarize receipts, expenditures, and student population changes. The Comptroller reports list receipts and expenditures by major category. The Assembly report contains narrative statements or statistics on asylum operation and population. The government report gives statistical information on teachers; employees; students; crops; livestock produced; and subjects taught.
Thomas Asylum for Orphan and Destitute Indian Children
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Thomas Asylum for Orphan and Destitute Indian Children child commitment contracts
Series Number
This series contains signed contracts between parents or guardians and the asylum's superintendent authorizing placement of children in the asylum for "care, education and support". Each agreement contains the parent/guardian's name and address; child's name, sex, Indian nation, age, destitute or orphan status; and agreement date. Many agreements include the child's date of discharge or death.
Thomas Asylum for Orphan and Destitute Indian Children
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Register of trustees, Indian children, and visitors
Series Number
This series consists of a journal listing trustees, instructors, Indian children, visitors, and contributors. Information includes a list of trustees including name, address, election date, and remarks on position held; list of children admitted to the asylum including name, Indian nation, reservation, age, whether parents are living, dates removed or died, and remarks on the latter; register of visitors including name, address, and date of visit; and quarterly average number of children in the asylum per year.
Thomas Asylum for Orphan and Destitute Indian Children
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There are no restrictions regarding access to or use of this material.