This series consists of medical and circumstantial evidence collected by State Department of Health epidemiologists to determine the source and type of reported cases of typhoid fever, plus medical information on the course of the illness. Documentation includes a case investigation form detailing vital statistics; history of typhoid fever occurrence and vaccinations; antibiotic treatment; possible sources of exposure to and further spread of typhoid; household and visitor census; and laboratory specimen culturing results. Also included is a narrative case history. Records are restricted pursuant to state and federal laws.
New York (State). Department of Health. Bureau of Epidemiology
Access Restrictions
Restricted by New York Public Health Law sect. 18 and New York Code of Rules and Regulations part 10, sect. 50-4; by New York Freedom of Information Law (Public Officers Law Art. 6) sect. 87.2(b); by New York Personal Privacy Protection Law (Public Officers Law Art. 6-A) sect. 96; and by the U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Acct (HIPAA), 42 U.S. Code sect. 1320d-6, and -7.