This series consists of approximately 100 issues of "Marcy News" produced at Marcy State Hospital (later Marcy Psychiatric Center). Newsletters feature or document remarks by director and chaplain; staff activities, commendations, and achievements; initiatives such as blood donation drives and bake sales; reports from various units and buildings; announcements of social events; and sponsor advertisements.
Marcy Psychiatric Center (N.Y.)
Access Restrictions
There are no restrictions regarding access to or use of the material.
This series consists of a sign-in register for the Board of Managers (later Board of Visitors) of Marcy State Hospital (later Marcy Psychiatric Center). Each entry typically records only date and signature of each manager. Purpose or occasion of visit is rarely given.
Marcy Psychiatric Center (N.Y.)
Access Restrictions
There are no restrictions regarding access to or use of this material.